Service Desk

Laser Cutting, Vinyl Printing/Cutting in 235A ADB

student worker assists student with weeding vinyl at the Service Desk

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment for the laser cutter or vinyl printer/cutters.

Access & Training

Everyone with Art & Design Facilities Access can utilize the Service Desk


Service Desk Hours (Appointments & Walk-Ups)

  • Monday: 10am-12pm
  • Tuesday: 12:30pm-4pm
  • Wednesday: 10am-12pm
  • Thursday: 12:30pm-4pm
  • Friday: 10am-12:45pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

You can Submit a Job to the Standby Queue anytime.

How to Submit Jobs

Jobs may be submitted online, or in person during open hours (with or without an appointment).

Submitting Jobs in-person with an Appointment (Recommended)

We recommend always making an appointment at the Service Desk. This is the best way to ensure that you will have your output at a known time.

To make an appointment, you can use the Service Desk Appointments section of the reservation system at When you show up for your appointment, bring your ready-to-output file on a USB stick (and any materials you may be providing for the laser cutter). All files MUST be in the appropriate template file. For more information and templates go to the Tutorials & Templates page.

Scheduling Policies

  • Appointments must be 1 hour minimum and 3 hours maximum
  • You may make 1 appointment per device pery day
  • Appointments may be scheduled up to 30 days in advance
  • Appointments must be scheduled at least 3 hours in advance
  • If you do not show up within 15 minutes of your scheduled time, your appointment will be canceled
  • If your file is not properly formatted in the appropriate template file, your appointment will be canceled

Unless instructed otherwise by the Lab Assistant, you are required to wait in the lab while your job is being output.

Submitting Jobs in-person without an Appointment

Walk-ups are accepted at the Service Desk if there are no appointments or currently running jobs. We cannot guarantee that the device you want will be available if you arrive without a appointment, so we always recommend making one (see above).

Submitting Standby Jobs Online

You may submit Standby jobs online using the request forms above in the Key Links section. Standby jobs may take several business days to complete. If you are on a tight schedule, we recommend making a appointment and submitting your job in-person.

  • You will receive an email when your job is added to the queue and another email when the job is run. Output may be picked up (contact-free) in 235A.
  • We will attempt to get all output to you within 3 business days. Turn-around times may vary based on demand.
  • Standby Laser Cutter requests must use our stocked materials.  User provided materials may only be cut via an in-person appointment. View the full list of materials and prices on the Laser Cutter page.
  • If your job is not formatted properly, your request will be denied. If you have questions about proper formatting, see the Tutorials & Templates page or talk with the Service Desk Lab Assistant in 235A during open hours.
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